October 6, 2015

Supreme Court Denies Further Stay of Department of Labor's Home Care Rule; Effective Date is Imminent

On October 6, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court denied an application to stay the effective date of the DOL's home care rule, meaning the rule's effective date is imminent.

October 5, 2015

Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) Amended to Address Some Excesses

On October 2, 2015, Governor Brown signed urgency legislation that immediately amends California's PAGA to address increasing civil litigation alleging technical violations of itemized wage statements (pay stubs) issued to employees.

October 5, 2015

White House Summit to Promote "Worker Voice"

On October 7, 2015, the White House and the U.S. Department of Labor will host a "Summit on Worker Voice."

September 29, 2015

New York "Supersizes" the Minimum Wage for Certain Fast Food Employees

On September 10, 2015, the New York Department of Labor issued an order increasing the minimum wage for fast food employees at certain fast food chain restaurants in New York State to $15 per hour.

September 29, 2015

European Court of Justice Expands the Definition of Working Time

The European Court of Justice recently issued a decision regarding the paid working time of certain mobile employees that will have a significant impact on companies with employees in the European Union.

September 29, 2015

House Hearing Addresses NLRB's New Joint Employer Standard

Members of the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions held a hearing on a bill to undo the new joint employer standard the National Labor Relations Board recently established.

September 22, 2015

EEOC Settles Background Check Litigation with BMW, But Also Faces Steep Attorneys’ Fees in Freeman Case

After several high-profile setbacks in disparate impact discrimination lawsuits challenging criminal record screening policies, the EEOC has entered into a settlement in one of its few remaining cases.

September 22, 2015

October 13 Effective Date of the Home Care Rule Stands—For Now

The effective date of the Department of Labor's Home Care Rule remains October 13.

September 22, 2015

Executive Order Requires Federal Contractors to Provide Paid Sick Leave

As labor and employment legislation has stalled in a divided Congress, the White House has again turned to an executive order to impose new requirements on certain employers, this time with respect to paid sick leave.

September 22, 2015

NYC Commission Issues Guidance on the Citywide Bill Restricting Employers from Using Credit Information in Employment Decisions

The New York City Commission on Human Rights has issued interpretive guidance on the city's new law that generally prohibits most employers from using credit information for employment purposes.
