Works councils in Germany have extensive "co-determination" rights—i.e., the right to participate in company management. A recent court decision shows the councils' co-determination rights can extend to the employer’s own use of social media.
In a lawsuit involving both wrongful dismissal and defamation, Canada's Ontario Superior Court of Justice has ruled that an employer’s negative review of an employee’s attitude during a reference check call did not amount to defamation.
On April 28, 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a blog article entitled “Background checks on prospective employees: Keep required disclosures simple.”
Employees in Germany with a bonus arrangement can claim variable compensation if they meet their agreed-upon or specified performance targets. What should be considered?
On April 25, 2017, OSHA reversed its position that during inspections of non-union workplaces, employees could be represented by anyone selected by the employees, including non-representative outside union agents.
In Germany, employees frequently refuse to sign separation agreements for fear that the Employment Agency will disqualify them from receiving unemployment benefits. A revision of the Employment Agency's internal directives has created some new leeway.
The high court ruled ruled that a Native American tribe’s sovereign immunity from lawsuits does not extend to a tribal employee sued over actions he took within the scope of his employment.