This morning, Massachusetts woke up to what is becoming a regular occurrence: the legislature was unable to pass a bill limiting the use of non-competition agreements in the Commonwealth, although it came the closest it has in years.
The Massachusetts Legislature has passed the Act to Establish Pay Equity—a bill that, when enacted, will be one of the most expansive equal pay laws in the Nation.
Pokémon Go has taken the United States and the rest of the world by storm. One of the less-discussed impacts of the game is the effect on the workplace and how employers can respond.
Recientemente, el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social publicó a través de su página de internet la Circular 10/10 por medio de la cual se dieron a conocer nuevas normas operativas para la expedición de certificados de incapacidad por maternidad.
The NLRB has held that an employer must meet a very high level of specificity in a management-rights clause before the Board will find that the union unequivocally waived its right to bargain over the action in question.
The Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision in Wilson v. Atomic Energy confirms that private-sector federal employers must have just cause to dismiss non-managerial employees.
The Mexican Social Security Institute (“Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social") recently published Circular 10/16 to announce new regulations for the issuance of maternity leave certificates.
On July 13, 2016, the Frankfurt Higher Labor Court held the dismissal of an employee in response to demands by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) was invalid.