Mexico’s Second Chamber of the Supreme Court recently decided that to calculate the weekly overtime pay, minutes worked exceeding the regular work day must be counted cumulatively for the entire workweek and paid in full hour units.
La Corte recientemente decidió que para calcular el pago de tiempo extraordinario semanal, los minutos laborados excedentes a la duración de la jornada laboral, deben ser acumulables a la semana y pagados por unidad de hora completa.
With the growth of the Alt-Right and other hate groups, business owners face increased challenges to uphold values of diversity, ensure employee and customer safety, and protect their brand from association with customers’ possible bigotry.
On July 18, 2018, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2282, the Fair Pay Act Bill, which takes effect on January 1, 2019, and clarifies the application of California’s Equal Pay Act.
This article summarizes some of the key labor and employment issues that may arise in the near term for businesses affected by recent California wildfires.
Imagine you’ve just found out that one of your ex-employees has joined a competitor and has shared your most important trade secret with them. What legal protection do you have?
In his first two speeches after taking over as Acting Director of the OFCCP, Craig Leen emphasized a commitment to the rule of law and promised to provide contractors with clear guidance and transparent enforcement processes.
After years of negotiation, on July 31, 2018, the Massachusetts legislature finally was able to pass legislation that, if signed by Governor Charlie Baker, would significantly limit the enforceability of noncompetition agreements in the Commonwealth.