There is currently a national focus on gender-based harassment. College campuses are no different. Even with the changes to Title IX guidance in the past months, eliminating sexual harassment and assault on campuses remains a national priority.
With the next legislative session in California underway as of January 3, 2018, this article sneaks a peek at several bills that may see further consideration.
Por medio del presente hacemos de su conocimiento las nuevas tarifas de pago de derechos por trámites migratorios 2018, las cuales ha publicado el Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM) a través de la Secretaria de Gobernación.
Despite the holiday break in most statehouses and city halls, legislators were quite productive in December. More than 40 employment-related bills were introduced or advanced last month, across nearly 20 states and municipalities.
The Ontario Ministry of Labour has released a new employment standards poster to coincide with new Bill 148 requirements, which took effect on January 1, 2018.