On May 9, 2020, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont and the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) released guidelines for businesses that will be allowed to reopen during Phase 1 of the state’s reopening plan.
In addition to numerous provisions expanding paid leave and unemployment benefits, the newly introduced HEROES Act would create a program enabling employers to provide premium pay to essential workers during the COVID-19 crisis.
As Missouri begins the work of gradually reopening its economy, state and local officials have provided certain restrictions and guidelines designed to continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Effective May 15, 2020, 13 additional counties will move from the “red” to “yellow” phase under Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania.
On May 12, 2020, the Democratic leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled its opening bid in the next round of COVID-19 response legislation.
With less than 8 months before benefits become available under the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave Law, the Massachusetts Department of Family and Medical Leave released proposed amendments to regulations previously finalized on July 1, 2019.
On May 12, 2020, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam issued Executive Order 62, delaying the implementation of Phase One of the Commonwealth’s three-phase reopening plan for the Northern Virginia Region until May 29, 2020.
Puerto Rico’s lockdown measures have affected deadlines imposed by government agencies, including deadlines imposed by the Puerto Rico Treasury Department.
The federal government of Canada has clarified that the Employment Insurance rules allowing employers to make additional payments to workers through Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plans do not apply to employees receiving the CERB.