Missouri was set to become a right-to-work state on August 28, 2017. However, unions have continued efforts to prevent the implementation of Senate Bill 19 (“SB 19”), Missouri’s right-to-work bill.
On August 4, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit refused to enforce a holding by the National Labor Relations Board that the Cable News Network (CNN) was a joint employer.
What are the legal and human resources ramifications of transmitting untranslated English-only employee communications across a multinational's cross-border operations?
In a recent decision, the Tenth Circuit unanimously held that a temporary employee’s request for an undetermined leave of absence was not a reasonable request for accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The United States Department of Justice recently filed an amicus brief in a Second Circuit case taking the position that Title VII does not protect employees against sexual orientation discrimination.
Final regulations implementing New York City's Fair Chance Act—one of the nation's most comprehensive "ban the box" laws—take effect on August 5, 2017.