March 19, 2021

México: Actualización de la Constancia de Inscripción de Empleador (CIE)

La Constancia de Inscripción de Empleador es el documento emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Migración que permite a toda empresa la realización de trámites relacionados con el personal extranjero que se encuentra en territorio nacional, tales como la

March 18, 2021

Inclusion Interrupted: Charting a Path for Reconnecting, Post-COVID

How do the isolating behaviors that we have now perfected - in the interest of sheer survival - bode for the concept of “inclusion” in a post-pandemic world?

March 18, 2021

Latest COVID-19 Relief Package Provides Tax Credits for Voluntary Paid Sick and Family Leave

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 extends tax credits for private employers with 499 or fewer U.S. employees that voluntarily decide to provide emergency paid sick and/or family leave according to the otherwise-expired FFCRA leave provisions.

March 17, 2021

Conversations with Women: The Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Jeanine Conley Daves hosts a conversation between Tom Bender and Shin-I Lowe. They discuss the…

March 17, 2021

Peter Sung Ohr has Cemented the Biden NLRB’s Direction Despite Challenges to his Interim Appointment and Prosecutorial Authority

In the seven weeks since Ohr ascended the acting general counsel post at the NLRB, he has taken several steps to advance President Biden’s labor agenda.

March 17, 2021

Should Employers in Ontario, Canada Provide Employees with Paid Time Off to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Ontario Premier Doug Ford was recently asked if the Government of Ontario would consider passing legislation that would allow employees to take three hours’ paid time off to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

March 17, 2021

Candid COVID Conversations: American Rescue Plan and Other Florida Updates

In this podcast, Kimberly Doud and Nancy Johnson of Littler’s Orlando office discuss COVID-related updates affecting employers in Florida.

March 16, 2021

Ontario, Canada Court of Appeal Confirms Corporate Directors May Face Statutory Claims for Unpaid Wages in Wrongful Dismissal Claims

The Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent decision reminds corporate directors that an employee may be able to make a claim against them in a wrongful dismissal action for unpaid wages under s. 131 of the Ontario Business Corporations Act.

March 16, 2021

NLRB Rescinds Proposed Rule Clarifying Status of Private University and College Students Working in Connection with their Studies

The NLRB announced that it is withdrawing a proposed rule that would have excluded undergraduate and graduate students at private colleges and universities who perform services in connection with their studies from coverage under the NLRA.

March 15, 2021

Illinois Legislature Considers a Bill Designed to Slow the Flood of Biometric Privacy Class Actions

The Illinois General Assembly is currently considering House Bill 559, which seeks to materially revise BIPA’s rigid compliance obligations and limit an individual’s ability to file a class action lawsuit against a non-compliant entity.
