Mexico's Senate Joint Commissions on Education and Legislative Studies have approved a bill that would grant working parents the legal right to take time off from work to participate in their children’s school activities.
Ayer, el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció un acuerdo con el sector empresarial y el Banco de México para aumentar el salario mínimo a $102.68 pesos diarios, a partir del 1 de enero de 2019, lo que representa un aumento del 16.21%.
On December 17, 2018, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced an agreement with the business sector and the Bank of Mexico to increase the minimum wage.
The NLRB recently issued a new Strategic Plan, extended the comment period on its proposed joint-employer rule, and announced the appointment of Fred B. Jacob as NLRB Solicitor.
On December 14, 2018, a Texas federal court declared the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) unconstitutional. Despite this broad holding (and clickbait headlines), employers should not expect to see any significant changes to the ACA in the near future.
The development and deployment of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), robots, and other automated systems are transforming workplaces globally, redefining needed workforce roles, skills, and jobs, and reinventing work itself.
On December 7, 2018, the New York Department of Labor (NYDOL) proposed a new set of “predictable scheduling” regulations in an effort to discourage on-call shifts and require employers to pay employees for cancelled shifts.