An Independent Expert Panel on Modern Federal Labour Standards has released a report making recommendations for additional amendments to Canada’s Labour Code.
This article describes wage and hour implications stemming from employers’ steps to address this outbreak, including compensation for employees who are out of the office, business expense reimbursement, reporting time pay, and predictive scheduling laws.
The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are designed to address some of the more common questions that employers with operations in Australia currently face.
Since its enactment last fall, California’s AB 5 has dominated not only the legal landscape in California, but also the broader discussion of what the shape of the U.S. workforce will look like as we enter the third decade of the 21st century.
Wtih Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania's Paid Sick Days Act set to (finally) take effect on March 15, 2020, the Mayor's Office of Equity recently released revised guidelines and FAQs that help clarify employer compliance duties.
Effective February 6, 2020, New York employees who are out of work due to a labor dispute, such as a strike, are eligible to collect unemployment benefits after a waiting period of only 14 days.
Hey, do you want to read an article not about COVID-19? Well, you are in luck, because in this virus-free issue of Wage Watch, we discuss only developments concerning the minimum wage, tips, and overtime that occurred in the last few weeks.