In another effort to amend the 2014 final rule on “quickie elections,” on July 29, 2020, the NLRB published a notice of proposed rulemaking that, if implemented, would further relieve pre-election burdens on employers and protect voter privacy.
Nearly two and a half months after its emergency paid sick leave (EPSL) ordinance took effect on May 12, 2020, Oakland, California released frequently asked questions about the new law.
On July 17, 2020, the Georgia Department of Labor issued updated emergency Rules concerning unemployment benefits in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
On July 27, 2020, Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate unveiled its latest legislative response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act.
Employers should take a holistic view of the various stages in the talent recruitment process to help eliminate bias. If employers wait until the interview to implement strategies to combat bias, the talent pool might already be skewed.
As the National Labor Relations Board moves toward resuming manual elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board’s Final Election Protection Rule will take effect on July 31, 2020.
El 22 de julio de 2020 el gobierno federal a través de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP) anunció el programa de “Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Pensiones."
Massachusetts has issued strict new travel restrictions, including quarantine requirements, unless the person is coming from a “lower-risk state,” has proof of a negative COVID-19 test, or meets certain narrow exemptions.
On July 10, 2020, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered a split decision (5-4) holding that specific sections of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act were constitutional because they were within the jurisdiction of Parliament over criminal law.