In an expansive reading of Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment issued proposed Equal Pay Transparency Rules that contain broad, first-in-the-nation requirements.
On September 30, 2020, Governor Newsom signed AB 323, which provides newspaper carriers a one-year reprieve from AB 5’s application. Therefore, through at least 2021, the Borello test will apply to these workers.
Criticized by some, praised by others, “smart working” has given way, in recent times and especially in the service sector, to an unprecedented organizational and process change.
With the election coming up, employees in various states are asking about time off to vote. I thought everyone was voting by mail this year? What leave must we provide?
The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal affirmed an award of moral damages to a former employee upon finding that the employer had breached its duty of good faith and fair dealing when it was untruthful and misleading during the termination process.
A probationary period sometimes isn't long enough to gain a good impression of an employee and the employer might still want to give the employee a further chance.
Signed into law on September 28, 2020, AB 1731 moves California’s work sharing program into the 21st century by mandating an online application process and specific deadlines for delivering claim forms.