Global Guide Quarterly

Global Guide Quarterly

Littler Global Guide - Hungary - Q2 2021

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Hungary’s Controversial Anti-Pedophilia Law: Workplace Implications

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law – VJT & Partners Law Firm

Hungary’s new anti-pedophilia law (criticized for an equivocal prohibition of “LGBTQI propaganda” among minors) amends, among other things, the Labor Code. The new law prohibits employers engaged in raising, supervising, tending, caring of minors or providing services of entertainment, pastime and sport to minors to conclude employment with persons who have a record of conviction for crimes against children (including different sex crimes), or are facing a criminal process for such crimes. If an employee falls under this prohibition, the employer is obliged to terminate the employment with immediate effect.

Termination of CBA Affects the Working Timeframe

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law – VJT & Partners Law Firm

Working timeframe is a working time scheduling which can be introduced unilaterally by the employer. Under working timeframe, the working time of daily eight hours can be achieved as an average during the length of the working timeframe, thus the daily working time can change. Specifically, it can be more or less than eight hours, and thus no overtime is paid for working more than eight hours, as it is compensated by less than eight hours of working time on other days.

The statutory maximum length of working timeframe is six months, but a collective bargaining agreement can set its length to 36 months. Termination of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) did not affect the already introduced working timeframe, but the newly introduced amendment of the Labor Code stipulates that termination of the CBA does not affect the already introduced working timeframe for three months, and after that the working timeframe must be terminated.

Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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