In the News
November 5, 2012

Lawyers Debate DOL Wage and Hour Tactics, Suggest Some Areas for Clarification, Change

BNA Daily Labor ReportLittler attorney Theodora Lee comments on the Labor Department under the Obama

November 2, 2012

Another Blow To OFCCP's Grab For Health Care Providers

Law360.comDavid Goldstein’s article explains the background behind the October 19, 2012 outcome of 

November 1, 2012

Lessons for 401(k) Plan Fiduciaries

HR MagazineLittler’s Steven Friedman and Stefanie Kastrinsky write about Employee Retirement Income

In the News
November 1, 2012

Employers must choose to pay or play under the Affordable Care Act

InsideCounselIn an article on the “pay or play” mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable

In the News
November 1, 2012

Lost in Translation

Human Resource Executive OnlineLittler shareholder Eric Stevens provides commentary in this article on
