Littler Report
Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report — June 2016
Littler's Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report details key labor, employment, and benefits news and events at the federal, state, local, and global levels. The June edition of the Insider Report highlights recent federal agency rulemaking, including the Department of Labor's final overtime exemption rule, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's wellness regulations, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's injury and illness online reporting requirements. The Report also examines legislative and litigation efforts to stop these and other federal agency initiatives, and discusses key developments at the state level. The Report contains the following sections:
Insider Briefing [p. 1]. In the weeks leading up to the Memorial Day holiday, the Department of Labor's activities confirmed that the remaining months of the Obama Administration would be a regulatory sprint to the finish line. As employers across the country prepare for implementation of several significant rules the DOL finalized in May, they also must brace themselves for additional regulations that are still forthcoming. Meanwhile, congressional efforts to block the Administration's agenda continue, setting up a likely showdown with the White House over its labor and employment priorities.
On the Move [p. 1]. A snapshot of the state and local bills that advanced in May highlights the struggle for multistate employers. Businesses with operations in multiple jurisdictions will once again have to review their pay policies and handbooks to make sure they comply with new equal pay requirements, minimum wage increases, paid leave mandates, and ban-the-box restrictions. Many legislative efforts to increase employer obligations related to pregnancy accommodation, social media privacy protection, and non-compete agreements also made headway last month, so additional changes could be on the horizon.
In Focus [p. 11]. The federal agencies' recent release of several long-awaited labor and employment regulations may lead some employers to conclude that there is nothing left on the Administration's plate in the final months of President Obama's second term. A review of the agencies' 2016 spring regulatory agenda indicates otherwise.
Global Report [p. 9]. This section provides a roundup of international labor and employment news.
Outlook [p. 14]. A calendar of events provides information on upcoming regulatory comment deadlines, agency meetings, and related activities.
Click here to read the full Insider Report.