Proposed Rule would Amend Union Disclosure Form LM-30
Specifically, the proposed changes would accomplish the following:
- Return to the pre-2007 practice whereby union officers and employees were not required to report compensation they received under union leave and “no docking” policies established under collective bargaining agreements or by custom and practice of the workplace.
- Exclude union stewards and similar union representatives, such as a member of a safety committee or a bargaining committee, from having to file Form LM-30.
- Create an administrative exemption whereby union officials would generally need to report only loans – such as home mortgages – from bona fide credit institutions if the terms of such loans are on terms more favorable than those available to the public.
- Limit the reporting obligation with respect to interests in and payments from employers that compete against employers represented by the official’s union or that the union actively seeks to represent, modify the scope of reporting with respect to payments from certain trusts and unions, and exempt union officials from reporting payments they receive from trusts or, as a general rule, from unions.
- Hold union officers and employees to the same reporting obligations under the LMRDA.
The OLMS believes that the revisions would simplify the form, narrow the scope of reporting, and therefore lessen the reporting burden, including associated costs, for union officials.
Comments must be identified by the Regulatory Identification Number (RIN) 1215-AB74 or RIN 1245-AA01 and submitted no later than October 12, 2010. Written comments should be sent to: Denise M. Boucher, Director of the Office of Policy, Reports and Disclosure, Office of Labor-Management Standards, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-5609, Washington, DC 20210. Alternatively, comments may be sent electronically through the federal eRulemaking portal:
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