
Daniel Quiles-Pumarejo actively litigates before Puerto Rico courts, arbitration and quasi-judicial administrative forums, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Anti-Discrimination Unit and Office of Mediation and Adjudications of the Puerto Rico Department of Labor (PRDOL). Prior to studying law, Daniel worked as Labor Standards Inspector for the Fair Labor Standards Bureau of the PRDOL. He has experience, litigates, and advises clients on wage and hour matters, wrongful terminations, employment discrimination and retaliation. Daniel has also experience and advises construction industry clients engaged in federally assisted projects with the administration of the following:

  • The Davis Bacon Act (DBA)
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
  • The Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA)
  • The Copeland Act (Anti-Kick Back Act)
  • Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968

He is an invaluable resource for his clients in the matter of wage and hour law, a practice area where he has excelled.

Before joining Schuster LLC, Daniel clerked for the Hon. Efraín E. Rivera Pérez of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. He graduated at the top of his law school class and received multiple academic awards, including the most outstanding student in civil and criminal law by the Puerto Rico Bar Association. During law school, Daniel was a member of the editorial staff of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico Law Review.

Affiliazioni professionali e istituzionali


Puerto Rico Bar Association


Labor and Employment Law Section

American Bar Association


Association of Labor Relations Professionals


Named, The Best Lawyers in Puerto Rico™



  • J.D., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico, 2005summa cum laude
  • B.A., University of Puerto Rico, 1996magna cum laude

Conoscenze linguistiche

  • Spagnolo
  • Inglese

Foro di appartenenza

Puerto Rico


  • U.S. Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit
  • Supreme Court of Puerto Rico