New AB 1825 Regulations


New AB 1825 Regulations

Friday, September 22

  • 7:00 AM PDT

On June 20, 2006, California’s Fair Housing and Employment Commission (FHEC) adopted new regulations for AB 1825 – the state’s harassment training law. AB 1825 requires California employers with 50 or more employees to provide all supervisors with harassment training every two years. While these regulations are not final, they are the benchmark by which employers should be assessing and planning training efforts.

As part of the Special Advisory Committee to the FHEC, Littler and its on-line training ally ELT, have been instrumental in helping to draft the AB 1825 regulations.

The regulations are detailed and extensive. They have created groundbreaking, stringent requirements for all forms of training, especially e-learning. To be compliant with AB 1825, it is essential to understand the new regulations.

These regulations are expected to heavily influence harassment training standards outside of California. They will also influence broader compliance training mandates, such as the ethics training required for all employers under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.

Participants will learn:

  • The essential requirements of AB 1825
  • The details of the new FHEC regulations
  • How to avoid the most common and costly legal landmines associated with AB 1825 compliance.

Who Should Attend:

  • HR managers, directors and VPs
  • Compliance and risk management professionals
  • In house attorneys
  • CEOs and CFOs
  • Training and development professionals

Presented by:

  • Sarah Reyes is the author of AB 1825, mandatory harassment training in the state of California. Ms. Reyes served for six years in the California State Legislature representing the 31 st Assembly District in the Central San Joaquin Valley. Today, Reyes now term-limited out of the legislature is consulting with expert trainers to understand the background and development of the new law. Her insight has assisted employers to better understand the necessity for additional training of their employees.
  • David Goldman, Esq. has advised management in all areas of employment and labor law over decade of practice. David is currently the managing attorney of the Legal Learning Group, the division of Littler Mendelson devoted to meeting clients’ employment law training needs. David has trained management and industry leaders and published articles on numerous employment law, management, and training topics. He has written extensively on AB 1825, testified before the Fair Employment and Housing Commission on the Act's regulations, and advised clients on AB 1825 compliance.
  • Shanti Atkins, Esq. is the President & CEO of ELT, and a specialist in ethics and legal compliance training. Shanti has advised hundreds of companies on strategic risk management education initiatives, with a special focus on AB 1825. ELT now supports more than 600 clients and 1,000,000 end users. Shanti has been interviewed and quoted on legal compliance training in a variety of print and online publications such as Fortune Small Business Magazine, CNET.com, MSNBC News, The Recorder, The San Francisco Chronicle, Compliance Pipeline, Compliance Reporter and Wired News. She received her Masters of Law (LL.M.) from Harvard University, specializing in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and corporate risk management. She received her J.D. from Queen's University ( Canada) and her B.A. (Film) from Queen's University ( Canada).


Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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