Littler Report
The 2012 Global Employer: Highlights of Littler's Fifth Annual Global Employer Institute
In November 2012, Littler Mendelson conducted its Fifth Annual Global Employer Institute (GEI) in Washington, D.C. Attorneys and human resources professionals from 14 countries participated in the GEI. Regions represented included North and South America, Europe and Asia, including rapidly expanding markets such as Mexico, Venezuela and China.
Each year we highlight and discuss some of the most challenging issues facing global employers. General topics featured at the 2012 GEI included:
- Sustainable Innovations for a Changing Global Workforce
- Forging a Global HR Team to Align with a Global Business: Transparency and Integration
- Developing an Effective Global Mobility Program
- Running with Scissors: What U.S. Employers Should Know Before Cutting Global Staff
- They’re Not Your Employees, But It’s Still Complicated: New Developments in the Field of Contingent Workers and Independent Contractors
- Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing a Responsible Supply Chain Management Program
- Preventing Workplace Harassment in a Global Workforce
- Out and About: LGBT Issues and the Globally Mobile Workforce
- Assuring Compliance with Anti-Corruption Policies and Requirements
- What Every Multinational Should Know About Bounty Hunters and Whistleblowers
- Preventive Measures Embassies, Consulate Offices and Other Foreign Sovereign Employers Should Take to Avoid or Minimize Their Exposure to Employee Claims in the U.S.
Similar to sessions in prior years, we also focused on unique issues faced in specific jurisdictions. In this year’s GEI we included a specific discussion of some challenges faced by employers in Latin America and China and provided an overview of new and evolving employment law developments around the globe. The topics covered were:
- Protecting Your Operations in Latin America: Risks and Opportunities in the Region’s Current Legal Landscape
- Tensions and Workplace Disruptions in China: Evolving Labor Challenges and New Rules on the Democratic Management of Enterprises
- Employment Law Challenges Facing Multinationals in Asia and Facing Asian Companies in the United States
- International Employment Law Update
This report is intended to highlight many of the topics from Littler’s 2012 GEI. We hope you find it to be a useful resource.
To read the report, please click here.