Littler Report

Littler Report

The 2011 Global Employer: Highlights of Littler's Fourth Annual Global Employer Institute

By Garry Mathiason, Peter Susser, Barry Hartstein, Michael Congiu, Laurent Badoux, Philip Berkowitz, Jaffe Dickerson, Margaret Hart Edwards, Gail Engstrom, Katherine Franklin, Steven Friedman, Earl “Chip” Jones, Elizabeth Lalik, Johan Lubbe, Stefan Marculewicz, Bruce McNeil, Kristen O'Connor, Bruce Sarchet, Trent Sutton, Tahl Tyson, and Juan Carlos Varela

  • 2 minute read

Littler Mendelson recently conducted its Fourth Annual Global Employer Institute (GEI) in Washington, D.C. Attorneys and human resources professionals from 13 countries participated in the GEI. Regions represented included North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia, including rapidly expanding markets such as Brazil, India and China.

Each year we highlight and discuss some of the most challenging issues facing global employers. Topics featured at the 2011 GEI included:

  • The Globalization of Employment and Labor Law: Breaking Developments, Trends, and Practical Compliance Initiatives for 2012
  • International Security: Keeping Employees Safe in Dangerous Locations
  • Best Practices for Cross-Border Employment Agreements
  • Avoiding Corruption: A Practical Approach to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act
  • Out of the Financial Crisis "Frying Pan" and into the Compliance "Fire": What Multinationals Need to Know About New Financial Reforms
  • Global Labor Relations: Global Union Federations, International Labor Standards and Human Rights
  • Bullies at Work: Solutions from Different Lands
  • Focus on Africa: A Wealth of Business Opportunities in an Unfamiliar Legal Landscape
  • The Evolving Labor Relations and Labor Law Picture in the People’s Republic of China
  • International Employment Law Update: 2011

We also held a workshop on "Investigating Employee Misconduct Across Borders," presented a special panel on the "Evolving Labor Relations and Labor Law Picture in the People's Republic of China" and had a spirited discussion during the "4th Annual International Employment Law Update."

This Publication is intended to highlight many of the topics from Littler's 2011 GEI. We hope you find it to be a useful resource.

To read the Littler Report, please click here.

Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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