
Brian L. Mosby provides legal and practical advice to employers concerning a wide array of employment issues. He has litigated before federal courts and administrative agencies and has handled claims involving:

  • Employment discrimination
  • Wage and hour laws
  • Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Wrongful termination claims

He also has experience with traditional labor relations issues, including union campaigns, proceedings before the National Labor Review Board and arbitration hearings.

In law school, Brian was articles editor of the Indiana Law Review.

Faglige Foreninger


Labor and Employment Law Section

American Bar Association


Employment and Labor Law Section

Indiana State Bar Association


Labor and Employment Law Section

Indianapolis Bar Association

News, Analysis & Press

Speaking Engagements

Kentucky Wage & Hour Update Live Training

Lexington, KY

March 16, 2022

Legal and Practical Guidance for Protecting Employer Data: A Discussion on the GDPR and Privacy Issues in the Workplace

Indianapolis, IN

December 5, 2018

There’s Something Happening Here (What it is ain’t exactly clear) – The NLRB in 2015

Indianapolis, IN

April 16, 2015

How Much Is Too Much: Handling FMLA Intermittent Leave Abuse and Post-FMLA Accommodation

February 16, 2012

H1N1 Flu: Preparing the Workplace for a Pandemic

November 4, 2009


  • J.D., Indiana University Maurer School of Law, 2005
  • B.S., Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2000




  • U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit
  • U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana
  • U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana