Global Guide Quarterly

Global Guide Quarterly

Littler Global Guide - Venezuela - Q4 2023

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The Adjustment of the Monthly Food Benefit

New Regulation or Official Guidance

Author: Daniela Arevalo, Associate – Littler

A recent decree indicated the possibility that the National Executive may adjust the amount of the monthly food benefit, called the Socialist Cestaticket, according to exchange rate variations. Although no decree has been published requiring this adjustment, it may eventually be required for employees of private organizations.

Labor Inspections and Supervisions

Important Action by Regulatory Agency

Author: Gabriela Arevalo, Associate – Littler

The Supervision Units, attached to different Labor Inspectorates at the national level, have recently conducted labor inspections for compliance with employer obligations regarding hiring disabled people.

Labor Inspectorates have also been carrying out inspections to verify if wage payment receipts contain separate payment details for rest days not worked and days worked. Payment receipts must detail (i) the days worked with the base salary for the calculation; and (ii) rest days and holidays, with the base salary for the calculation.

Extension of the Period for Updating Data in the INCES

Legal Compliance

Author: Gabriela Arevalo, Associate – Littler

The National Socialist Training Institute (INCES) issued an official notification, that employers have a 45-business-day extension to update their data in the INCES electronic registry through the online system.

Taxpayers have a duty to update their data within the established period under the Law of INCES and the Organic Tax Code. Failure to comply with these duties may result in a sanction of closure for five continuous days and a fine of 100 times the highest value currency published by the Central Bank of Venezuela.

Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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