Your search returned 392 results.

July 24, 2012

It’s Time for Employers to Distribute MLR Rebates: Does Your Company Know How and to Whom?

EmployersWeb.comIn this article, Littler’s Laurent Badoux details the key issues employers need to

In the News
July 18, 2012

High court's health care decision sends employers scrambling

Daily JournalThe article discusses how, with the Supreme Court ruling on key health care reform provisions,

In the News
July 17, 2012

Pension Funding Relief With Strings Attached

Compliance WeekLittler’s Steven Friedman provides his insight on the recent pension funding relief

July 13, 2012

Post-PPACA: Time For Employers To Take Action

Law360.comIn this article, Littler’s Steven Friedman and Ilyse Schuman discuss the Supreme Court decision

In the News
July 12, 2012

Employers turn attention to implementing ACA

San Diego SourceLittler attorney Jeremy Roth is quoted in this article discussing the U.S. Supreme Court's
