Your search returned 392 results.

In the News
November 1, 2012

Employers must choose to pay or play under the Affordable Care Act

InsideCounselIn an article on the “pay or play” mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable

November 1, 2012

Lessons for 401(k) Plan Fiduciaries

HR MagazineLittler’s Steven Friedman and Stefanie Kastrinsky write about Employee Retirement Income

In the News
October 26, 2012

ACA Deadlines Loom As Questions Remain For Employers

Law360.comLittler’s Ilyse Schuman is quoted in this article describing how employers can prepare for

August 26, 2012

Why traditional pension plans are disappearing

Philly.comIn this article, Littler attorney and Employee Benefits Litigation practice group co-chair

August 20, 2012

Reviewing the SBC: Test Your Skills

Bloomberg BNA Pension & Benefits DailyIn this article, Littler attorneys Judith Wethall and Finn Pressly
