Your search returned 390 results.

In the News
March 24, 2016

Will SCOTUS Contraceptive-Coverage Case Invite Future ACA Challenges?

Also published in the sister publication Employee Benefit News, Steven Friedman comments on the…

In the News
March 23, 2016

How a Divided Supreme Court Could Change Your Company’s Health Care Policy

In this article, Steven Friedman provides a recommendation for employers to comply with the ACA in…

In the News
March 23, 2016

Religious Nonprofits Make Contraceptive Mandate Case to Supreme Court

Steven Friedman discusses the Zubik v. Burwell case and the impact of the ACA’s contraceptive…

In the News
March 21, 2016

White House May Have Advantage in Upcoming ACA Contraception Case

Steven Friedman is quoted discussing the challenges of the ACA contraception case.Modern…

In the News
February 17, 2016

Scalia's Death Could Leave Court Deadlocked on Contraceptives

Steven Friedman is quoted discussing the potential impact of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin…
