Your search returned 951 results.

March 11, 2011

Panelists Discuss Rising Costs of Employer-Provided Health Coverage at Congressional Hearing

On Thursday, the House Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions held a hearing to discuss

March 10, 2011

More Than 1,000 Annual Benefit Limit Waiver Applications Have Been Granted

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Consumer Information & Insurance

March 9, 2011

CMS Releases Proposed Health Insurer Disclosure Notices for Premium Rate Increases

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released proposed forms that health insurers will

March 3, 2011

Florida Judge Orders Stay of His Decision Finding Affordable Care Act Invalid

A little over a month after declaring the entire health care reform law unlawful, Florida District Court

March 3, 2011

House Votes to Repeal Expanded 1099 Reporting Requirements

On Thursday, the House of Representatives approved by a 314-112 margin the Small Business Paperwork Mandate

March 1, 2011

The Seventh Circuit Clarifies the Availability of Class Claims Alleging 401(k) Improprieties

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a significant ruling on the availability of class-wide

March 1, 2011

Obama Signals Flexibility on Start Date for State Health Innovation Waivers

Speaking before the National Governors Association on Monday, President Obama endorsed legislation introduced

February 25, 2011

Lessons Galore from Eye-Popping $4.3 Million HIPAA Penalty

For the nearly eight years since the HIPAA Privacy Rule went into effect in April 2003, the U.S. Department

February 23, 2011

Alaska Governor Declines Federal Funds for Insurance Exchange Implementation While DC Judge Declares Health Care Law Constitutional

In light of the recent ruling by a Florida federal court judge that the entire Affordable Care Act is

February 22, 2011

House Approves Continuing Appropriations Bill that Would Defund Affordable Care Act, Slash Agency Budgets

Early Saturday morning, the House of Representatives approved by a 235-189 margin the Full-Year Continuing
