Your search returned 951 results.

August 10, 2018

Victory for NYU After First Trial in the 401(k) Fee Cases Filed Against Colleges and Universities

On July 31, 2018, a New York federal court issued an opinion in favor of NYU, in the first case to reach trial concerning ERISA challenges to fees and investment lineups in school retirement plans.

July 17, 2018

Puerto Rico: New Act Extends the List of Authorized Deductions to Non-Exempt Employees' Wages

The Governor of Puerto Rico recently signed into law Act No. 115, extending the list of authorized payroll deductions under Act 17-1931.

June 25, 2018

Supreme Court Holds Stock Options Are Not Taxable under the RRTA

The Supreme Court recently held that railroad stock options are not taxable compensation under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act. This ruling represents a significant win for railroad companies.

June 21, 2018

Association Health Plans: How Do You Solve a Problem Like a MEWA?

On June 19, 2018, the Department of Labor issued its highly anticipated final rule expanding the availability of association health plans (“AHPs”).

June 19, 2018

Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury Issues Guidance on the Federal Employee Retention Benefit for Certain Employers Affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria

The Puerto Rico Treasury has issued guidance on a new employee retention benefit available to employers affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

June 4, 2018

Nevada Supreme Court Determines Definition of Health Insurance for Nevada’s Minimum Wage Laws

The Nevada Supreme Court recently clarified what constitutes “health benefits” for purposes of paying Nevada’s lower-tier minimum wage.

April 27, 2018

New Jersey Governor to Sign Statewide Paid Sick and Safe Leave Bill

On the heels of signing equal pay legislation which will substantially expand pay equity protections for New Jersey employees, Governor Phil Murphy tweeted that he will sign a statewide paid sick leave bill on Wednesday, May 2, 2018.

April 27, 2018

IRS Resolves 2018 HSA Contribution Limit Confusion

Acknowledging “numerous unanticipated administrative and financial burdens,” the IRS officially revoked its earlier attempt to lower the 2018 health savings account (HSA) contribution limits.

March 21, 2018

Puerto Rico Governor Announces Proposed Plan to Revamp the Labor Force

On March 21, 2018, the Governor of Puerto Rico announced his “Initiative to Reform the Labor Force,” with the express goal of increasing the employment rate.

March 7, 2018

IRS Reduces Family HSA Contribution Limit For 2018

On March 5, 2018, the IRS reduced from $6,900 to $6,850 the maximum amount an individual with family coverage may contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA) for the 2018 calendar year.
