Your search returned 225 results.

January 14, 2010

Tax Court Reiterates that Emotional Distress Suffered From Claims of Employment Retaliation Is Not Tax Exempt

In Wells v. Commissioner1 the United States Tax Court reiterated that emotional distress manifested in

November 30, 2009

IRS Announces Pilot Project To Reduce Identity Theft

In Notice 2009-73, 2009-51 IRB, the IRS announced a two-year pilot project allowing for paper payee statements

October 29, 2009

Retirement Plans Must Be Amended Before Year End

The end of the calendar year is soon approaching. For sponsors of qualified benefit plans, this means

September 25, 2009

Independent Contractors Targeted by Maryland Enforcement Efforts

On August 28, 2009, the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) published its

September 18, 2009

Cash-Strapped California Adjusts Tax Withholding Requirements - A Concern for All California Employers and Workers

As part of California's annual budget ordeal, rather than enacting new taxes, the legislature enacted

September 16, 2009

IRS to Launch Employment Taxes Audit of 5,000 Employers – Is Your Company Ready?

The Internal Revenue Services (IRS) has announced that beginning in November 2009 it will launch its

August 10, 2009

Federal District Court Rules that Back Pay and Front Pay Are Wages Subject to Employment Taxes

In Josifovich v. Secure Computing Corp.1 a federal district court in New Jersey held that both back pay

August 5, 2009

San Francisco Commuter Ordinance — Update on Enforcement and Enhanced Federal Commuter Benefits

In 2008, San Francisco enacted an ordinance (Ordinance) requiring private employers with 20 or more employees,
