Election Day is coming up in a few weeks, and I’ve been getting questions from our managers in various branches about voting-related leave for employees.
The Colorado Court of Appeals recently held that clauses requiring arbitration of all claims “arising under” an agreement are broad and that such language is not intended to limit the scope of arbitrable claims.
Many foreign consulates and embassies that employ individuals in the U.S. erroneously assume they are immune from employment claims brought by their employees under U.S federal, state or local laws.
On September 21, 2018, the Pennsylvania Independent Regulatory Review Commission responded to a proposal to update the Executive, Administrative and Professional overtime exemptions to the state's minimum wage law.
On Monday, October 1, 2018, the State of New York released final versions of a sexual harassment policy, complaint form, and employee training relating to sexual harassment.
Governor Brown has signed into law a jaw-dropping number of bills that pertain to labor and employment issues, including expanded liability and training obligations surrounding sexual harassment.
Employers that use criminal record-screening policies must continue to be vigilant about compliance with all applicable laws and should know that the EEOC’s scrutiny of such policies, while perhaps scaled back, has not ended.
You witness a group of your employees exit the workplace on their break, gather on a public sidewalk and begin to smoke what appears to be cannabis. How do you respond?
Starting October 1, 2018, the USCIS will begin implementing its June 28, 2018 policy memorandum to prioritize the removal of foreign nationals from the U.S. on the basis of public safety, in compliance with Executive Order 13768.