March 20, 2009

United Kingdom: New Tax on Visa Applicants

The Economic Times reports that Britain is preparing to impose a tax of up to £50 on applicants for

March 20, 2009

Mandatory Health Risk Assessments Could Violate the ADA

In an informal discussion letter dated March 6, 2009, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

March 19, 2009

EFCA Contrary to International Law?

In addition to other problems with the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) (H.R. 1409, S. 560), this controversial

March 19, 2009

DOL Makes Disability Job Candidate Database Available, Seeks Comment on Union Financial Disclosure Rule Delay

The Department of Labor has made available to employers a nationwide database of job candidates with

March 19, 2009

Eighth Circuit Reinstates Multi-Employer Worksite Liability

In a divided and much-anticipated opinion in Solis v. Summit Contractors, Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals

March 17, 2009

New Jersey Department of Labor Issues Interpretive Regulations

Recently, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJ DOL) issued regulations interpreting

March 17, 2009

Bill Would Permit University Graduate Assistants to Unionize

Legislation introduced last week would allow private university students who serve as teaching and research

March 16, 2009

U.S. DOL Further Defines What Constitutes Compensable Training Time

In three opinion letters issued during the final weeks of the Bush administration, the Wage and Hour

March 16, 2009

Linda Puchala Nominated for National Mediation Board Seat

President Obama has nominated Linda Puchala to hold a seat on the National Mediation Board (NMB). The

March 16, 2009

Bill Would Increase Employer Penalties and Strengthen Provisions of USERRA

A bill introduced last week would amend several provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
