December 2, 2010

Pennsylvania Overtime Exemptions for Domestic Services Differ from Federal Law – Agency Home Care Aides Must Be Paid Overtime

Pennsylvania's minimum wage law requires that an employee who works in excess of 40 hours in a workweek

December 2, 2010

EBSA Issues Proposed Rule on Target Date Fund Disclosures

The Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) has issued a proposed rule

December 1, 2010

Pennsylvania Home Health Aides Must Be Paid Overtime

Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage law requires that employees who work in excess of 40 hours in a workweek

December 1, 2010

New York Federal Court Rejects Attempt to Litigate Alleged Human Rights Abuses in the U.S.

In what continues to be a flurry of activity in U.S. federal courts involving allegations of human rights

November 30, 2010

Senate Fails to Approve Amendment to Repeal Form 1099 Reporting Requirement in Health Care Bill

Despite two attempts, the Senate on Monday failed to approve amendments to the FDA Food Safety Modernization

November 30, 2010

Democratic Congressman Introduces Bills to Repeal Health Care Law Provisions, Dares Republicans to Vote for Them

Acting on a promise made last week, Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-NY) has introduced a series of bills to repeal

November 30, 2010

Senate Fails to Approve Amendment to Repeal Form 1099 Reporting Requirement in Health Care Bill

Despite two attempts, the Senate on Monday failed to approve amendments to the FDA Food Safety Modernization

November 30, 2010

Flexible Work Arrangements Addressed at European Commission Workshop

A recent workshop organized by the European Commission focused on flexible work arrangements, bringing

November 29, 2010

Ninth Circuit Upholds Training Cost Reimbursement Agreement

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has recently held that the City of Oakland, California did not violate

November 29, 2010

10 Tips For Avoiding GINA Violations

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, on Nov. 9, 2010, published its long-awaited regulations
