Governor Jim Justice recently signed into law Senate Bill 272, the West Virginia Employment Law Workers Classification Act, which goes into effect on June 9, 2021.
On April 7, 2021, the Department of Labor (DOL) released answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the ARPA COBRA subsidy and published model notices for use with the ARPA COBRA subsidy.
A recent Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario decision provides a roadmap for how employers should determine whether they are required to accommodate employees and customers who seek exemptions from the City of Toronto’s mask-wearing requirement.
Kimberly Doud and Nancy Johnson discuss the impact of state actions on employers in Florida and provide tips on what employers can do now in light of these actions.
With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations rising in Ontario at a concerning pace due to the rapid transmission of new variants, on April 1, 2021, the province filed Ontario Regulation 240/21, imposing an “emergency brake” across the province.
Vaccine passports—standardized credentials showing proof of vaccination—are gaining momentum in some states as a means of returning to normalcy and allowing businesses to open fully to those who prove they have been inoculated against COVID-19.
On March 29, 2021, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania enacted Bill # 210122-A, an ordinance immediately requiring covered employers to provide 2021 Public Health Emergency Leave.