November 8, 2010

SEC Releases Proposed Whistleblower Rule under Financial Reform Act

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued its proposed rule (pdf) implementing the securities

November 8, 2010

EEOC Issues Final GINA Regulations

Nearly a year after the employment provisions of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

November 8, 2010

NLRB Posts Frightening Message in Facebook Case

Labor law experts, including experienced labor law attorneys at Littler Mendelson, have been predicting

November 7, 2010

New Era in Georgia for Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants

On November 2, 2010, Georgia voters passed an amendment to the State's constitution, which will operate

November 5, 2010

California Court of Appeal Adopts "Provide" Standard in Meal and Rest Case

A California Court of Appeal has upped the ante in the ongoing legal debate concerning meal and rest

November 5, 2010

Impact of the 2010 Election on Labor & Employment Policy

Tuesday's historic election radically changed the composition of Congress and the balance of power in

November 5, 2010

How Will the Midterm Election Results Impact Healthcare Policy?

Tuesday's historic election radically changed the composition of Congress and the balance of power in

November 5, 2010

Smartphones and Security Issues

A recent survey by Juniper Networks found that about 65% of smartphone and tablet device users are extremely

November 4, 2010

India: Although 1% Cap on Foreign Worker Visas Lifted, $25,000 Salary Requirement Remains

As noted by Daily News & Analysis, although the Indian government has removed the 1% cap on foreign worker

November 4, 2010

Case To Watch: NLRB Challenges Employer's Termination of Employee Based on Violation of Social Media Policy

Labor law attorneys at Littler Mendelson have been predicting for months that the National Labor Relations
