Our Puerto Rico office represents management in employment discrimination cases before Federal and Puerto Rico courts, with its partners having represented clients in hundreds of cases alleging sex, age, religion, disability, race and national origin discrimination, amongst others, as well as sexual harassment complaints. Unfair dismissal, Workers' Compensation, ERISA, OSHA and Wage and Hours claims are also areas of litigation expertise for the firm.
All partners actively litigate, and associates are trained to do likewise, at the trial and appellate levels in federal and Puerto Rico courts, including the United States Courts of Appeals, and before federal and Puerto Rico administrative agencies. All local attorneys are fluent in both English and Spanish and routinely litigate in either language.
Our attorneys have counseling and litigation experience in National Labor Relations Act matters such as unfair labor practices charges, including related litigation before the National Labor Relations Board. They also represent clients in collective bargaining negotiations and arbitration.
The partners have also been active in litigation and counseling in the areas of product liability, Puerto Rico's Act 75 (Dealers' Contracts), breach of contract claims and defamation, among others.